National Parkinson's Alliance
The National Parkinson’s Alliance is a national collaboration of key stakeholders and leaders in the Parkinson’s community in Australia who have come together to shape policies, strategies, and initiatives that will change the lives of individuals affected by Parkinson’s across Australia.
More than 200,000 Australians live with Parkinson’s disease
Parkinson’s is the fastest growing neurological disorder in the world
Someone is diagnosed every 40 minutes in Australia.
The Australian Summit to End Parkinson’s
This special event, hosted by the newly formed National Parkinson’s Alliance, will highlight the Parkinson's crisis unfolding globally and how urgent action is required to address the immediate and critical needs of people living with Parkinson's in Australia. With prevalence of Parkinson's estimated to double by 2040, Australia needs a plan to inform government strategy, policy and investment in prevention and research into treatments/therapies, cure and care in Parkinson's.
Government Budget Submission: National Parkinson’s Alliance Action Plan
This strategy to address the unmet needs of the Parkinson’s community will inform Federal and State government policy, strategies and initiatives in health, disability, aged care and research to ensure people living with Parkinson’s and their families receive fair and equitable access and benefit from strategic investment in research. This will support improved integration of the needs of the Parkinson’s community into current and future systems of support and care.